How the top 1% fast-tracked their careers.

The 3 V's Strategy

Let's cut to the chase.

Career advancement for most people is a long hard slog, following generic advice, with very little to show for their efforts.

As I was asking a VP at Deutsche Bank what his career advice would be to his kids, his answer was simple.

Career acceleration is all about distilling your vision to identify the people and types of projects that matter most in your field. Then acing the delivery of what you say you will do with relentless focus. This impact over time builds your reputation and opens many doors.

VP, Deutsche Bank

Taking his words of wisdom, I spent the next 250+ hours studying the paths of the top 1% and how they got ahead.

I began to notice a pattern.

It wasn’t their MBA, PhD or deal made with the devil.

It boiled down to three letters: VVV.

  • Value

  • Vision

  • Visibility

When 99% of people are starting their career they’ve got little to no bargaining power.

The 3V’s are your bargaining power to get what you want in your career.

Here's how the top 1% used the 3V’s formula to game the system, secure multiple promotions, and double their salaries in 1-2 years.

Vision: It's Not a Buzzword, It's Your GPS

Your vision is not about daydreams; it's about clarity.

Clarity doesn’t mean every detail is planned out. The top 1% would have the direction they wanted to head clear in their minds.

However, they kept iterating on their visions as they figured things out and grew.

E.g. Breaking down the next 2 years into tangible milestones. Like spearheading two major campaigns or earning a certification in a high-demand skill.

Value: Talk Less, Solve More

Forget trying to look and sound good.

It's about consistent practical impact. The greatest value you can provide is in finding the work, projects and improvements that will move the needle for your role, team, and company.

The top 1% were able to block out 90-120min a day to work on high-value work - above and beyond their 9-5 responsibilities.

E.g. Identify the persistent bottlenecks and headaches in your department and fix them.

Visibility: Not Bragging, Just Smart Branding

It’s not about being a nice guy, office clown or boastful Barry. It's about being recognized for the right reasons.

I bet if I asked you right now, “Who in your office is very reliable and always seems to figure things out?”

Does someone come to mind?

They own that place in your mind - a powerful place to be.

When someone hears your name, the image that appears in their mind is valuable leverage.

When it comes down to your manager, the person they think of to put on high-value projects or deserving a promotion is why visibility and a strong “brand” are key.

E.g. You’ve solved a bottleneck. Make a one-slide summary of the tangible changes (15% decrease in fees). Send it to your supervisor with a casual note, like, "Thought you might find this interesting."

Deconstructing the 3V's: Tactical Moves for Acceleration

1. Vision Building:

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems."

James Clear

Action Step: Define where you want to be in six months, one year, and two years. Now, reverse engineer the steps needed to get there. Turn these steps into your daily habits.

2. Value Creation:

"In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is a failure. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible."

Seth Godin

Action Step: Identify a persistent problem in your workflow. Propose a solution. Implement it. Repeat. Be the one who stands out for the right reasons.

"Don't feel behind: ‘Late’ bloomers, generalists, people who zig when others zag... those who move in a unique direction will find their way."

David Epstein

David Epstein's book Range - Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World defines why embracing generalism adds another layer to your competitive advantage.

Generalists bring adaptability and a unique perspective to problem solving - an incredibly valuable skill with high rewards.

Action Step: Incorporate short "learning expeditions" outside your immediate field of expertise. These could be workshops, side projects, or collaborations exposing you to new perspectives.

"Competition is for losers."

Peter Thiel

Differentiation is key. Whether it's solving a unique problem, introducing an innovative solution, or offering a distinctive skill combination, the emphasis is on being a category of one.

Action Step: Analyse your current projects or tasks. How can you make your contribution stand out in a way that gets a useful result that no one else can replicate?

3. Visibility Enhancement:

"Play long-term games with long-term people."

Naval Ravikant

The top 1% embraced long-term thinking as a foundation for their visibility.

Strategically building relationships and contributing consistently to improvements that could be fostered for long-term company growth.

"Seek wealth, not money or status. Wealth is having assets that earn while you sleep."

Naval Ravikant

The top 1% didn’t chase fleeting recognition. They built assets in the form of skills, knowledge, and a reputation for reliability.

Letting their professional wealth compound over time.

Action Step: Identify key people within your professional network and explore ways to genuinely contribute to their long-term goals. Build your professional wealth by investing in skills and relationships that endure.

"The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do."

Al Reis

Instead of trying to be everywhere, strategically choose where to position yourself for maximum impact. Whether it's a specific project, skill, or role, being known for something specific enhances your career positioning.

Action Step: Build strong boundaries at work to create time in your calendar to work on valuable projects or improvements. Use this rule, “If I am saying yes to this, what am I saying no to?”

The 3V’s Foundation: Skills Drive, Habits Steer

Skills are your steering wheel; habits are your accelerator pedal.

It's not about putting the pedal to the metal or grand gestures;

peel out season 2 GIF

It's about consistently actioning small strategic moves.


I think the best piece of advice that sums up the 3V’s comes from consulting legend Harry Beckwith.


Marginal tactics executed passionately almost always will outperform brilliant tactics executed marginally.

Harry Beckwith


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