6 unconventional tactics

To fast-track your career

The 1 reason your career’s had average progression.


Conventional tactics get conventional results.

After a 5 year career in biotech startups across 2 continents.

I followed the advice from books, managers, and mentors.

I did my work to the highest quality, built my expertise, networked, and even led a crucial project for a $350m investment (a gene therapy that reversed blindness) that was submitted to the FDA.

I’d done all I could to:

  • earn more

  • progress higher

  • gain more responsibility

But despite it all I felt like I’d hit a career ceiling.

Feeling stuck and no longer in control of my career.

I was overwhelmed and did something stupid.

I quit my job.

The next 15 months were the most scary, honest and clear I’d been.

It's where I learnt first-hand 6 brutal truths that helped me to:

  • Significantly increase my value

  • Gain control of my career

  • Change career paths

  • Earn 28% more

I was finally heading in the right direction.

6 Unconventional Truths & How To Apply Them

Truth 1 - Experience Over Expertise

Experience provides the HOW; expertise provides the WHAT. It’s easy to know what you want. It’s how you get there that stumps most people.

ACTION: Learn HOW by taking on side projects.


Want: Desired job = Content marketing manager

How: Side Project = Build a personal brand and learn how to market yourself online

Truth 2 - Write to Think Better

Writing sharpens your thinking.

It helps you think clearly to strategise winning moves.

ACTION: Start journaling daily before work to structure your thoughts and improve your problem-solving abilities.


Journal about a challenge at work and put all your thoughts on paper, you’ll find an answer or next step to help you move forward.

Truth 3 - Specialisation Can be a Curse

Specialising is like being a bread knife, great for bread, not that useful for meal prep.

It can limit your growth. Prioritise breadth before depth.

ACTION: Start building your skill stack - a combination of skills that interest you that are very marketable.


Interest = Improving systems at work

Skill Stack = Problem Solving + Psychology + Effective Communication

Truth 4 - Embrace Lateral Moves and Backward Steps

A step backwards or sideways can launch you further than grinding it out.

ACTION: Read this. Don't fear unconventional career moves; they can lead to promotions and salary increases.

Truth 5 - Optionality Is Your Friend

The more options you give yourself to progress, the greater your chances of success.

ACTION: Ask yourself, “Does my choice open more doors of opportunity down the line or does it put me in a box?”


Option = QC Scientist

Optionality = Very narrow career paths with niche expertise. Promotions have tough competition.

Truth 6 - Don’t be a Better Employee, Become a Premium Product

Employees work replaceable jobs, premium products solve high-value problems.

ACTION: Read this. Embrace the mindset of being a business owner.

See your role in the company as an owner.

You'll begin to see opportunities to make 10X more impact than before.

Build skills to help you think like a business owner.

So remember,

Success isn't about climbing the corporate ladder.

It’s about creating your own stairway.

Good luck!


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