3 rare traits to transform your career

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Everyone falls for the same career trap.

It took me 4 years to realise that I was even trapped.

It was only when I learned 3 harsh truths about my reality that set me free.

These harsh truths got me moving forwards and faster than any other advice.

3 Harsh Truths
  1. Your expertise is holding you back.

  2. Your ability to deliver on projects, drive outcomes and manage teams isn't enough.

  3. Reading books for advice won't help you either.

The sooner you accept these, the sooner you can unlock your untapped potential.

So what the hell should you be doing?

The highest-paid people in society (CEOs, VPs, and Directors) are paid handsomely for a simple reason.

They've spent more hours than most mastering 3 traits that drive specific behaviours:

3 traits ➜ CEO behaviours ➜ CEO opportunities

3 traits that transform you into "CEO Material"

1. Vision

ℹ️: Having a clear and inspiring mental picture of future opportunities. You think in long-term games with valuable outcomes, focusing on how to reach the goal, not the burden of its challenges.

🏋️‍♂️ Practice this:

  • Zoom out from situations - When faced with a decision or problem, think about what other 3-5 factors are linked to the situation you're facing.

  • Connect dots - Expand your worldview to keep learning how life actually works.

    • Read these authors:

      • Paul Graham

      • Nassim Taleb

      • Robert Greene

      • Naval Ravikant

  • Second-order thinking - Think about the effects of decisions in 10 days, 10 months and 10 years from now.

  • Define the most valuable outcome

    • Define the most desired outcome for yourself, your team, your boss and your company.

  • Use the above to forge a path and show them HOW to reach it.

🥡 Takeaway: Nobody achieved anything without a rough direction + compounded actions.

2. Judgement

ℹ️: Judgement is a mix of these 6 high-value skills + integrity:

Build experience over expertise - expertise can be taught which is why it's replaceable, experience is learnt which is why it's unique and valuable.

  1. Reads human behaviour - helping you lead, negotiate and influence.

  2. Decisiveness of decisions - fast decisions get faster outcomes, helping you learn more rapidly.

  3. Problem identifier - uncovering hidden problems before they occur.

  4. Opportunity hunter - always on the lookout for options you can take.

  5. Problem solver - every opportunity is one solution away.

  6. Risk taker - taking risks that won't ruin you but expose you to opportunity.

🏋️‍♂️ Practice this:

  • Build a toolbox of problem-solving mental models.

  • 10X your experience by exposing yourself to more uncomfortable situations and exploring topics that interest you.

  • Decide faster - overthinking is real.

  • Practice with small decisions and work your way up.

  • Practice your body language awareness - be aware of the words, tone, and posture you and the people around you use.

  • Figure out what people are saying with their body language.

🥡 Takeaway: Judgement is the ability to read the play-by-plays of life, the better your judgement, the more trust you’ll receive.

3. Adaptability

ℹ️️: Adaptability is simple but not easy. It takes practice, patience and self-awareness. Adaptability is the steering wheel of your decision vehicle.

🏋️‍♂️ Practice this:

  • Become aware of the following:

    • your biases

    • the trends around you (work, industry, technology, team behaviour)

  • Changing decisions and tactics - learn from the results your decisions create and adjust accordingly.

    • Never let your ego get in the way of progress.

  • Use trait 2 to become more of a generalist - CEOs have to wear many hats.

    • Their experience gained in many domains of life (sales, marketing, systems, strategy, tech etc) 10X's their ability to do this.

🥡 Takeaway: The way you see and approach situations should never be one size fits all. Life is complex and continuously changing, your mind and approach should too.

Vision + (Judgement x Integrity) + Adaptability = 100X more possibilities.

Opportunities await you, my friend.

Go get 'em.


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